The Auditrix
A Blog from Cedar Boschan
Saturday, June 20, 2015
If you are in interactive development, the below headlines about Apple may be of interest:
App Analytics
Apple may reduce its 30% subscription commission
#Brands: Step up your game
Apple's App Store passes 100B downloads and $30B paid to developers
Top Three: E3 Edition
Below are the Top 3 #E3 items shared in our
@RoyaltyExpert Twitter feed
Cedar Boschan
Evan Van Zelfden
@gamelawpro at the Video Game Bar Association #VGBA #E3 cocktail reception sponsored by @LathamWatkins
A day of surprises at the start of #E3
EA: "We have to start building new #IP that might feel like a big risk today"
We extend an invitation for those of you visiting the next E3 event in Los Angeles:
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